



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Archivist @ EAFS

One of the most closely guarded secrets of EAFS (and we can’t tell you about the other one) is The Archivist……a figure who makes JD Salinger look like the life and soul of the party, EAFS has pulled off a major coup in convincing The Archivist to head towards Dumfries and Galloway.  An ardent collector of ideas, images and provocations, he will be locating himself at various EAFS venues to display, demonstrate and discuss artists and ideas as diverse and diverting as:

‘Stabilizer’  by Mike Inglis, a proposal exploring the relationship between landscape and memory.

Work by Alyne Jones, cultural historian and ethnologist

‘New Rituals for Modern Problems’, a anonymous proposal to develop new rituals in response to the issues of contemporary life in an increasingly secular society.
The Archivist
The Archivist - photo by one of EAFS photographers, Kim Ayres
‘Spent’ by Tim Taylor. A temporary monument to a time when the measuring of oil will cease to be of importance.

‘Heaven on Earth’ by Simon Fildes , an idea to create star constellations in the Galloway landscape using solar powered lighting.

‘The World is Your Body’, a proposal by Paul Henry and Alessandra Campoli for a four day performance using Butoh dance, projections, sound and text.

George Wyllie and his celebratory Spires .

'Morphogenesis’  a proposal by artist Irene Rogan to explore the micoscopic world of rivers

Andrea Geile and her interest in replacing lost forests and ever decreasing eco-systems by colonising existing man made structures in the environment.

Karen Gabbitas and her proposal ‘Walking in Time' a film of a group of people walking very slowly along part of the Galloway coastline.

Debbie Ryan's idea for a sphere covered in mixed media mosaic. The mosaic to be inspired by the interconnections between local flora and fauna.

An idea by Bob Budd called ‘Black Sheep’ exploring the contentious issue of wind farms.

The smart money is saying that The Archivist will appear at all the EAFS Gatherings and Middle Distance – we couldn’t possibly comment.

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