



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.


The Commonty was started, by a group of volunteers, in March 2011 as a means of people involved/interested in the arts in South West Scotland keeping each other informed about what they were doing and sharing events etc. The Commonty began at a time when the local arts sector was in a period of rapid evolution and the blog became a place that people shared ideas and commented on the development of what was to become a artist-led strategy for culture in our region. This strategy grew into a grassroots organisation for the sector called DG Unlimited. DGU is a platform for communication and advocacy for the arts in D+G at a regional, national and international level and is run by the sector in partnership with Local Government. 

For its first four years The Commonty carried everything that people threw at it from opinions, to work in progress to event listings and job opportunities. In April 2015 we passed on the job of Event Listings, News and Opportunities to the shiny new DGU site and their communications team.

From April 2015 The Commonty became a place for all the unofficial and unclassifiable stuff that people involved in the arts in D+G want to share, an adhocracy of arts policy development! In particular this is a place where you will find information about the comings, goings and doings of the Regional Arts Hub. The RAH is a group of arts professionals who meet regularly to think, dream and shout at each other about their passion for culture in our region. You can find out more about who makes up the RAH and how it represents the diverse range of arts practice locally at the DGU website.

The Commonty has always been a completely uncensored and free space for debate - we would love to hear from you. You can add your voice in two ways:
a) send an email to with something you want to say and we will post it on the blog as a new article
b) comment on any article already on the site

There is more information about both these options - here

ALSO - we do send out occasional emails to Commonty members telling them about new material on the blog, if you would like to join this mailing list please send us an email to The

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