



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Regional Arts Hubs - a reminder

Mary Smith sent in this press release from D&G cooncil - she has learnt that notifications for the Stewartry Hub meeting have not yet been sent out to individuals - hopefully The Commonty will help get the word out to those who want to attend - NB all these meetings are open for anyone to attend

'New structure to support Arts in Dumfries and Galloway'

A new structure for supporting and developing the Arts in Dumfries and
Galloway has been developed by the region's arts sector following
consultative meetings in October and November. Individuals and organisations
involved in the provision of Arts of all forms across Dumfries and Galloway
were involved in the meetings.  The level of attendance showed that there is
a vibrant and committed Arts sector in our region.

Each of the four areas of the region will have its own forum or arts hub,
linked to a regional arts hub for organisations which operate region wide.

The Council will support the Arts sector in establishing the various
operational hubs. Ailsa Freeman (Annandale and Eskdale), Scott Grant
(Nithsdale), David Lockwood (Stewartry), Colin Freeman (Wigtownshire) and
Rebecca Coggins (Regionwide) are the local contacts. They have received an
excellent response from arts sector groups and individuals registering an
interest in participating in the various Arts Hub meetings and meetings are
now being scheduled in January. 

It is proposed that each Arts Hub Chairperson/Champion will represent their
Hub on a strategic group being referred to currently as the 'Chamber of
Arts'. The Chamber of Arts will work closely with Creative Scotland to
develop a regionwide strategic partnership for the development and delivery
of the Arts across the region. The Council's overall lead officer who will
support the sector in developing this concept is Richard Grieveson.

It is proposed that over the following months this structure will develop
further. More regionwide Dumfries and Galloway Arts Sector open meetings
will take place in the spring to keep everyone updated and to review,
reflect and share our progress to date and plans for the immediate future. 

The dates and times of the initial meetings are as follows:-

Hub            Date    Time     Venue
Annandale and Eskdale    09-Jan    2pm    Meeting Room, Annan Swimming Pool
Stewartry        11-Jan    10am    Kirkcudbright Council Offices
Wigtownshire        11-Jan    6.30pm    Ryan Centre
Nithsdale        17-Jan    2pm    DG One
Region-wide         19-Jan    10.30am    Gracefield Arts Centre

Contacts for more info etc for the meetings are here

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