



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Some Opportunities

Collaboration grants 
Criteria: Collaboration Grants support independent cultural organisations working together across borders and disciplines. ECF regards the ideal ‘collaboration’ as one that brings a renewed understanding of Europe to people of all backgrounds, and inspires them to regard the world’s future as a shared enterprise. We particularly admire efforts that are daring, different and challenge the status quo. The average award funded is €15,000 with the maximum being €30,000.

Upper River Cam Biodiversity Project - Artist Commission 
Criteria: An artist to provide creative interpretation to the project and celebrate the contexts of the spaces. The vision for this artist commission is to develop and deliver a subtle artwork/s that will encourage ALL users to understand and appreciate these historic and valued open spaces.
Deadline: 23 August 2011  
brief from: Carly Haywood, Business Support Co-ordinator, Business Information Support, Cambridge City Council, PO Box 700, Cambridge CB1 0JH. Telephone: 01223 457182  

Sideways Festival 
Criteria: Site-specific artists. Sideways is a translocal, experimental festival for contemporary art and cultural research, exploring different ‘pathscapes' in the northern region of Belgium. This first-time event will unfold on the go across a four week period in the summer of 2012. It foresees a broad program of visual art, walks, live art and site-specific interventions. The project is a joint initiative of an environmental NGO (Trage Wegen), a visual arts' centre (Verbeke Foundation) and an artist collective (Glasbak). The programming blends arts-based and artistic practices with more vernacular forms of creativity and poetic practice that emerge along pathways.
Sideways Festival
Belgium - Gent

Criteria: Hereford Photography Festival and Dancefest are looking for Photographic Artists to produce a piece of work to celebrate 21 years of Dancefest. The commissioned artist will: Make new work in relation to Dancefest's professional dance artists; Co-curate an accompanying exhibition from the dance archive.
Criteria: We invite young European cross-disciplinary artists, performers, choreographers, musicians, architects, designers, writers, art students, to experiment and use the mobile phone as a new means of creation and narrative. Take part and reveal a creative vision of urban spaces and European cities ! Prizes: 3 winners will be invited to present their film at the MOB International event in Prague, in November 2011 The best films will be shown in our network of European festivals and institutions.
 Special attention will be given to imaginative, unconventional and offbeat projects with a locative and context specific approach. Contact :
 Criteria: Musicians who also explore and reveal their 'visual intelligence' in the forms of photography, painting, sculpture, installation and other forms of visual art and practicing artist who also play music. Are you a practicing musician who went to art college or has a passion for making art? Are you a practicing artist who also plays music? Do you draw, paint, sculpt, make sound works or installations, take photographs or make video pieces? Are you active in other creative processes beside music? Finally, would you like the opportunity to be able to exhibit your work?
Deadline: 10 October 2011
 posted by MB

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