



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Monday, February 27, 2012

A sign of things to come...2?

One of the most read posts on the Commonty of late has been 'A sign of things to come?' which had a lot of contributions from folk about concerns that new legislation would be interpreted by local councils in such a way to demand expensive licences for many arts events that had previously not required them.

Many of you will have already received news of some apparent success on this front following significant protest from the public:

It's not unreasonable to suppose that the good burghers of the Dear Green Place might have had pause to consider if the hassle of dealing with the bonkers ideas of artists was really going to be worth the miniscule revenues acruing?
heres the good news though.....

Thanks to over 14,000 signatures (including you!) Glasgow City Council announced last week that they will scrap the proposed fees for public events which are temporary or free of charge.
But Edinburgh and other councils across Scotland are yet to decide their plans for the legislation and there is suggestion that some still intend to implement the fees.
Kris Haddow, a playwright who started the petition on, wants all Scottish councils to follow Glasgow's lead, so he's asking everyone to keep the pressure up by sharing the petition with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or via email.
Every signature will help show local councils across Scotland that the public do not support this ‘tax on the arts’.
Kris said "this is great news for the campaign in Glasgow but we still need to keep up the pressure and ensure that Edinburgh and other councils across Scotland follow suit and scrap the public entertainment licence fees. I urge you to continue sharing the petition until such time as we have achieved success in all areas. Thank you for signing and supporting this petition."

posted by MB

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