



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Minutes from the SCAN Dumfries meeting

From Seonaid Daly
26 people attended the SCAN Open Meeting at Gracefield Arts Centre. The group consisted of a diverse spread of artists, artist/producers, exhibition managers and curators, those working in participatory and public art settings and those involved in Fresh Start for the Arts. 

Dumfries are in a unique situation at the moment with a number of initiatives including Fresh Start for the Arts and Creative Dumfries now taking shape which will influence and better shape support for arts and cultural services in the area. SCAN is aware there may be cross over in some of our aims with the aims of these organisations however we will see this as a positive and look to work in partnership with these organisations where appropriate and will not replicate any activity. 

SCANning the D&G horizon...
Next steps 

This event was the first step in identifying common goals, issues and challenges across the country. SCAN will continue conversations with local partners and willing participants to explore any opportunities for local activity will also ensure that the suggestions for connecting those working in the Dumfriesshire area to national/international activity & critical debate is considered. 

 Developing the value of SCAN for those in Dumfriesshire may be through connecting those interested to national discourse on contemporary art and ideas, creating opportunities and providing support for members to network nationally & internationally and helping to raise the profile of the high quality work created in the area on a national platform. 

There was an identified need for events that explore critical engagement and discourse with contemporary ideas. It was also clear that mentoring & support to address professional practice skills and knowledge like writing applications, curatorial practices and critical writing were desired. 

Issues like core resources, audience & market development and mentoring schemes are being raised across the county and are likely to feature strongly in SCANs priorities for ‘national’ advocacy, activity and projects.

SCAN is currently compiling information from their events across the country, and plan to publish a national report and findings in March. A few networking events are also being arranged to coincide with the final week of Glasgow International, expect details to pop up on the Commonty, but in the meantime check out the SCAN website here

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