



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Youth Arts Hub (ChamberFreshHubStartCouncil) Development Fund

Remarkable things are continuing to happen in D+G....this Thursday more than 30 artists, arts organisations, youth workers, Cooncil folk etc gathered at CatStrand. They were there to take part in a collective pooling of ideas about Youth and the Arts in our region

Kathleen O'Neill leading the session at CatStrand
Nothing so remarkable in that you might think - but pause a moment and remember that we the arts sector in D+G made for ourselves a new thing.....(the thing with currently no name except FreshChamberStartHubCouncil) - this thing has recognised a major opportunity for us (The Youth Arts Hub Development Fund) and is leading on a regional bid that we all then get to deliver ourselves.....that is right - we don't have to go through the Cooncil or an 'umbrella'....this is not a is US working together for the good of all involved. 

Area Convenors - (standing) l-r: Sid Ambrose, Alan Thompson, Belle Doyle, Cate Ross and Regional Convenor Kathleen O'Neill
The atmosphere of trust in the room was very real - the deadline for submitting information to the joint bid is Friday 21st Feb at 5pm to - if you have not already communicated with Kathleen about this funding bid - please contact before submitting anything for the bid...there is a very fast turnaround time on this and what and how you submit material will be crucial.

Nice work people..

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