



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Modern Martyrs @ The Stove

The Nation/Live - part of a National Portrait Gallery of Scotland project in Dumfries today
Doonhamers are getting used to art installations these days and wasted no time in getting into a blether with this new piece of work made in collaboration between artists from the National Portrait Gallery and the local Youth Justice team. The Stove was taken over today by talk of Covenanters and what contemporary martyrs in Scotland might be fighting for. The construction above contained one of the young people who engaged passersby in conversation about 'why do you pretend to be someone you're not?'

The work will also be installed in the local landscape and filmed as part of the NPG's ongoing project The Nation/Live.....this is something that is happeing all around the country and will be finally shown in the NPG later in the year. Work form the local legs (Dumfries and Sanquhar) will be exhibited in the Bakers Oven in June.

1 comment:

  1. I saw this! I had a chat with the wee man inside the hands. He was interesting
