



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Run a bookshop in Scotland's National Book Town!

From the Wigtown Book Festival 

Image: Colin Tennant
The Open Book is a six-month project run by Wigtown Festival Company. The project will invite members of the public to apply to help run a bookshop in Scotland's National Book Town in Wigtown for a period of between 2 and 6 weeks and to blog about their experience. Training will be given in bookselling, and help will be provided by Wigtown's community of booksellers, who will also offer practical and moral support. 
"Old-fashioned" bookshops have never been more under threat yet they have also never been more valued by bibliophiles. How do traditional bookshops thrive and survive in a digital world? How does the fantasy of being a bookseller compare to the reality? The Open Book is a matchless experience, offering participants the opportunity to discover what it's like to run a bookshop in Scotland's National Book Town, and to contribute to a unique literary community by helping to sustain one of its bookstores. While in Wigtown, guest booksellers will be asked to blog about their experience and consider the role of the bookshop and the bookseller in the 21st century.

Interested in finding out more? 

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