



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Still Movement - recommended

Last night's opening of Hannah McAndrew and Phil McMenemy's new show 'Still Movement' was a lovely occasion. The Gracefield Studio was packed to hear the author's of the show talk about their experience of working together and the show itself made for a wonderful atmosphere to catch up with folk from all around the region.

The show itself is beautifully presented and it is obvious from the first that the artists have put 'heart and soul' into this undertaking. The basic premise was for a ceramicist (McAndrew) and a photographer (McMenemy) to spend time understanding each other's creative process and then to try and draw joint works from insights and inspirations gained through this. Everyone will have their own take on where this works sits in the age-old craft/art debate....but for me wrestling with the ideas behind the work was immediately put to one side as I gave in to the pure sensual pleasure of the colours and textures which seem to envelope the whole space.

The lovely Rebecca Coggins at Gracefield last night
I was also struck at how this show seemed to exude something of the spirit of D+G....there is a long tradition of artists interpreting place, often these can be couthie or over-reverential....but this was something different - I felt and energy of the contemporary place that I know. It was if this was something unconscious in the work and that here are two young makers who are just getting stuck into their practice in a very intuitive way and the result is something really relevant to now.

I have deliberately NOT tried to photograph the show....photographs of photographs are never really a good idea....go and see it for yourself.

posted by MB

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