



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Box of Inspiration for Whithorn - A Call

Alignement Receiver/Calanais - Will Maclean

The Whithorn Trust is looking for boxes to show as part of our "Inspired" exhibition.

The idea is as follows

  1. You select a  container - a box.  About the size of a shoe box or a sweety tin (someone  is filling a hat, could be a plant pot - any kind of container which is approx  size to fit on a book shelf).
  2. Select items to  fill your container that represent the things that inspire you in your life  (make sure these are not expensive as the boxes will be on open  display)
  3. Write a bit of text  to explain about the things in the box and what they represent (can be in  longhand and I will type it out)
  4. Supply a  photo/image (either to scan or by email ) to use to identfy your box (could be  a photo of yourself or just an image you like).
  5. Get your box to us  by 6th June or contact me asap so we can arrange some way for  delivery/pick up.

Many thanks (in anticipation of your help)



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