



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Burns oppertunities in Ayrshire

The Burns an’ a’ that! Fes­ti­val, held in neighbouring Ayrshire is looking for proposals from performance and visual artists for this years festival, held from the 24th - 26th May.
Artists Olivier Grossetête’s card­board light­house “La Phare” at the Burns an’ a’ that! Fes­ti­val 2012

"Burns Fes­ti­val Arts Fund — On Site Per­for­mance and Arts Funded Opportunities
Per­for­mance Oppor­tu­ni­ties – Roof­less ‘Icons of Scot­land’
Chore­o­g­ra­phers, com­posers and per­for­mance direc­tors are required to ani­mate a spe­cial Ayr­shire art­work as part of the ‘Icons of Scot­land’ Roof­less pro­gramme. Oppor­tu­ni­ties exist to be part of this ambi­tious out­door arts pro­gramme and the 2013 Burns an’ a’ that! Fes­ti­val.
Expres­sions of inter­est should be sent to Jo McLean at UZ Arts - jo@​uzarts.​com
Per­for­mance Oppor­tu­ni­ties – Walled Gar­den
Slots are avail­able for acts to per­form in the inti­mate ‘Walled Gar­den’ open-​air pro­gramme. These acts should require lit­tle or no pro­duc­tion or and could be acoustic music, dra­matic per­for­mances, com­edy, poetry, dance, or other per­for­mances that should last between 30 and 50 min­utes. There will be a max­i­mum set up time of 10 min­utes so it is not antic­i­pated that acts will be prop heavy. Radio mics can be pro­vided for use if required. Walled gar­den per­for­mances are open air and will be offered free to the pub­lic.
Grants of £100 — £300
Out­door Art Oppor­tu­ni­ties
Out­door Art is required to dec­o­rate and bring to life selected areas of the park by using visual art or attrac­tions. This would ide­ally have a ‘Burns’ theme or rel­e­vance but other options will be con­sid­ered. Exam­ples of suit­able out­door art that may be of inter­est include hang­ing Burns wicker heads in the adjoin­ing wood­land area, video map­ping on the con­ser­va­tory exter­nal or any other inno­v­a­tive tem­po­rary out­door art.
Grants of £100 — £1000"
The deadline for applications is the 18th March. Head to the Roofless website here for more info

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