



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Staying positive for Round 3

A new year.... a new round of consultations.....consultations requested by the arts sector (to be fair)

Today saw the first of the Creative Scotland Open Sessions (Dumfries on the 25th of April folks..) - this was how the DCA looked between 12-4pm this afternoon:

Open Session 1:Dundee 15.03.13 - Image from Kenneth Fowler
You can check in with the comment from today's first Open Session here

Meanwhile the 'hearts and minds dance' on the blogging front saw a first pas de deux from Pat Kane and Johnny Galley.......and bow gentlemen

Lets hope we are getting somewhere with this.....cos it is big stuff for everyone

1 comment:

  1. coooeeey Phillie wave to Aunty Phillipa....and stop flicking rubbers at Nasty Ferguson when you should be crusading against the evil empire on your hushtag thingy
