



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Stove - new website and other social stuff

from The Stove
One of the themes that came out of The Stove’s ‘Foundation Gathering’ was that of openness… opening up and involving the wider community – an idea that has been formalised with the invitation for membership. That is on-going, so if you’re interested in becoming a member, email for a membership form.

The openness theme has continued this week, as The Stove upped its communication with a couple of new digital avenues - down which we hope you will wander on many a merry walk. The new website ( has launched and the new Facebook page ( is go!
Head over to the Facebook page, give it a ‘like’ and if you’re feeling especially giving, ‘share’ the page on your timeline so that we can grow The Stove’s social community. For those who were part of the old Facebook group, it will be closing shortly as we focus our efforts on the new page. 

Whilst we’re on the subject, the Twitter page is here. (

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