



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Scottish Enlightenment? Tom Devine @ Lockerbie

We are delighted to announce details of an RSE @ Dumfries & Galloway Public Talk, supported by The Holywood Trust
The talk is open to all and free to attend 
 'A Puzzle from Scotland's Past: Why did the Scottish Enlightenment happen?
  Prof. Tom Devine, OBE FBA FRSE
 The Scottish Enlightenment is widely regarded as the nation's most important and influential contribution to the intellectual and cultural life of humanity. From science to philosophy, history to medicine, economics to geology and beyond to numerous other subjects, Scottish thinkers of the eighteenth century helped create a new understanding of the contours of existence.

Why this happened is a conundrum: Scotland seemed a most unlikely seedbed for such an intellectual revolution. In the decades before the great creative transformation, it was regarded as a desperately poor country on the outer fringes of the great centres of European civilisation in the grip of a Taliban-type culture of unyielding  religious orthodoxy fundamentally opposed to innovative thought.
This lecture will try  to answer this challenging question and so seek to resolve  one of Scottish history's most enduring mysteries.
David Hume 1711 -1776
Thursday 25 April 2013,  7.00pm
Lockerbie Academy, Lockerbie
 For further information and to register:
Tel: 0131 240 2780    

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