



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Good News for Theatre Royal

Promising signs from Dumfries and Galloway Council could see the Theatre Royal very close to the ambitious fundraising target that will secure the future of Scotland's oldest working theatre:

A change of heart by councillors would leave the Theatre Royal in Dumfries within £100,000 of its target. Officials are urging the policy and resources committee to release £455,000 originally earmarked for the development but held back for more than two years. 

In December 2010, the then corporate policy committee decided to hang on to the cash while a cultural strategy for Dumfries, involving a new centre, was developed. Since then, the theatre has embarked on an ambitious fundraising exercise and now their pot stands at around £1.4 million.
And a report from independent arts and cultural consultants EKOS concludes there is “no clear rationale” behind cultural development in Dumfries without the Theatre Royal.

Full story in The Standard - here

1 comment:

  1. Breaking News - the Councillors on the Policy and Resources committee have agreed to accept the recommendation to fund the refurbishment of the Theatre Royal to the tune of £455,000.
    Happy Days for theatricals everywhere!
