



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Auchencairn's Designer Bridge

When Peckham needed new bollards as part of their regeneration project they turned to their local sculptor Anthony Gormley - never ones to be outdone, the Auchencairn Initiative enlisted the help of their very own international architectural artist Will Levi Marshall when they needed a new bridge for the village.

Today the structure was transported from Dalbeattie steel fabricators - Patersons and fixed in position across this section of the Dee.

the moment of truth

the river

the team

Levi Marshall in characteristic 'international artist' pose
Nice work Auchencairn - a quality addition to the environment


  1. An echo too of Monet's garden bridge, and ours over the Birnock Water here at the mill leat in Moffat. Is this the start of an occasional series?

  2. Grand idea Elizabeth - if people would like to send in interesting bridges, bridges they are connected to - or just bridges they like....then we will post up Bridge Series. Peter Stark has already sent in an amazing picture of the winking bridge in Gateshead being installed.

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