



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Peer Advisors to Support Creative Businesses

CABN (the Creative Arts Business Network) is developing a pool of peer advisors to offer specialist advice to creative individuals and businesses. This is a trial initiative that will initially run until 31st December.
We are looking for experienced individuals from the creative sector, who are successful in their field and willing to share the benefit of their knowledge. You may be an experienced practitioner for example an artist, writer, craft maker, performer , musician or filmmaker, or have a track record successfully promoting work and marketing creative work for example as a gallerist, publisher or promoter.  If you have skills and experience to share we would be interested in hearing from you.

The service will be demand led, and advisors will be paid an hourly rate when their skills are called upon. 
The deadline for applications is the 20th September and you can find information about how to apply at
If you would like more information  about becoming part of the peer advisors pool please call Lesley Rogers, Creative Arts Business Development Officer on 07747040732 or   email:

1 comment:

  1. The Original AnonymousSeptember 7, 2013 at 12:24 PM

    Great idea this from CABN, and good to see local skill being valued rather than mentors being bussed in from elsewhere. Can't help wondering why it has taken so long to appear though? Does the current CABN budget not run out by the end of the year? To recruit these Peer Advisors and then deliver significant sessions before the end of the year seems unlikely?
    Should we be be bracing ourselves for another CABN 'supermarket sweep' at the end of the year.....anyone remember 'CABN Connects Residencies'? Advertise, recruit and deliver in approx 6 six weeks = Outcome 1 flower cost approx £8000
