6,7,8,9th September
far East of the region is the setting for this weekend’s EAFS activity –
a land of open moors, sweeping horizons and the rich history of a
border region.
Here is the running order for events this weekend:
Friday 6th September
Opening: ‘Making the Most of the Moorlands’ – exhibition of art, craft and sculpture reflecting the Langholm landscape by local artists
Time: 7pm
Location: Town Hall Gallery, Market Place Langholm, DG13 0JQ
Time: 7pm
Location: Town Hall Gallery, Market Place Langholm, DG13 0JQ
Saturday 7th September
Time: 11.30am – 2pm
Location: PIPS Orchard, Meikleholmside Cottage Farm, Annan Water, Moffat DG10 9LS
Storytelling: magical tales of trees and woods – discover the treasures at the heart of the land.
Booking: info@letslivelocal.co.uk or 01683 221898
Time: 11.30am – 2pm
Location: PIPS Orchard, Meikleholmside Cottage Farm, Annan Water, Moffat DG10 9LS
Storytelling: magical tales of trees and woods – discover the treasures at the heart of the land.
Booking: info@letslivelocal.co.uk or 01683 221898
New Treasures From Old Stuff
Time: 11.30am – 1.30pm AND 2pm – 4pm
Location: Moffat Gallery, 21 Well Road, Moffat. DG10 9AR
International paper artist Isabell Buenz will be running 2 fun creative bookbinding workshops.No previous skill required – just bring some decorative used paper like old envelopes, paper bags, wrapping paper, interesting newspaper pages, old magazines, books or book jackets etc. Once your sketch pad, note or scrapbook is made you will have time to decorate it with buttons, feathers, wee shells, old postcards or any other material you bring along to enhance your creation. At the end of the session you will go home with something precious that you have made entirely from discarded material.
Suitable for ages 8 to 80 – children please bring an adult with you.
Price £5
Sunday 8th September
Writing the Wild
Time: 1.30pm – 4pm
Location – meet at Langholm Town Hall, High Street Langholm. DG13 0JQ
A free writing workshop for people of all ages and abilities. Facilitated by award-winning writer, Fiona Russell.
Booking essential: Cat Barlow on 013873 80914 or email cat@langholminitiative.co.ukTime: 1.30pm – 4pm
Location – meet at Langholm Town Hall, High Street Langholm. DG13 0JQ
A free writing workshop for people of all ages and abilities. Facilitated by award-winning writer, Fiona Russell.
The Road to Meikle Seggie - Meet the artist Richard Demarco
Time: 2pm -4pm
Location: Moffat Gallery, 21 Well Road, Moffat. DG10 9AR
Free - but booking essential
Contact Val McPhail val@themoffatgallery.co.uk or ring 07546511492
Time: 2pm -4pm
Location: Moffat Gallery, 21 Well Road, Moffat. DG10 9AR
Free - but booking essential
Contact Val McPhail val@themoffatgallery.co.uk or ring 07546511492
Saturday 7th September AND Sunday 8th September
Ephemeral and EverlastingTime: 11am – 4pm
Location: Moffat Gallery, 21 Well Road, Moffat. DG10 9AR
Environmental Sound artist James Wyness will be showcasing highlights of his globetrotting sound work in a specially adapted room upstairs at the Moffat Gallery. Sit and contemplate his layered field recordings and sonic interventions in the landscape, which create a constantly shifting mass of natural elements in motion: ‘a thought provoking and challenging occasion that will lift hearts and minds into a different dimension.’
Time: 11am – 4pm
Location: Moffat Gallery, 21 Well Road, Moffat. DG10 9AR
Moffat based landscape photographer Simon Tweedie will be showcasing his spectacular photographs of local scenes in the vestibule of the Gallery during the weekend.
Making the Most of the Moorlands
Time: 10am – 4pm, 6pm -8.30pm every day 7th September – 14th September
Location: Town Hall Gallery, Market Place Langholm, DG13 0JQ
Exhibition of art, craft and sculpture reflecting the Langholm landscape by local artists.
The Making the Most of Moorlands project aims to raise awareness about and encourage community engagement with the local moorland habitat and wildlife.
For more information please call 013873 80914 or email cat@langholminititiative.co.uk
Unfortunately - the Talk scheduled by author Anthony Rudolf, to take place Saturday and Sunday at Moffat has been cancelled due to ill health.
Monday 9th September
Tidemark: Public Reading with Vivien JonesTime: 7:30 - 9:30pm
Location: Powfoot Golf Hotel, Annan, DG12 5PN
Over the last month locally based author Vivien Jones has been running workshops with a group of 24 writers. Tidemark has drawn inspiration from direct experience of the shore at Powfoot and has resulted in a book that will be launched with a public reading on Monday 9th September. Free
The EAFS Sateliite Weekends are a brilliant opportunity for folk from other parts of the region to visit each others venues and fellow artists...carshare and discover the places that you always promised you'd visit!