Ita Plattner from Eskdalemuir, writing under her dharma name of Shenpen Chökyi, has finally completed her own extraordinary, working version of the I Ching which she has called Zhouyi Zuvuya: Yi Jing Illuminations for a Paradigm Shift.
Check out her on-line preview at .
mountain within/thirty four/overcoming obstructions |
It is not only an excellent and original guide to the ancient oracle, it also includes 64 images produced by shining light directly through natural materials, plant tissue, liquids, etc, onto light sensitive paper. This has produced some very remarkable pictures.
Lake within/twenty six/restraint |
Ita needs support to find a publisher, or else to self publish, which she will do once she has found 175 people to commit to buying a copy. This book could change your life! (or that of a friend?) - why not order a copy now! Visit her website to add to her waiting list!
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