Fringe4 Gatherings
Sat 19th October Easterbrook Hall Dumfries 4pm- 7pm Sun 20th October The Planestanesn Midsteeplen Dumfries from 1pm Free unticketed
The Fringe 4 gathering's are a get to gether and showcase of youth arts participation at the Easterbrook Hall then out on The PlaneStanes. The Gatherings Feature:
Burnsong Young Songwriters A showcase of new work and young talent , with performances over the weekend from Zoe Bestel, Darcy DaSilva, David Walker, Benjy Goodrich , Aiden Halliday, Emma McNeill, and Robyn Leoncia Williams, and Sticks and Stones. Robert Maitland says “Its has been a privilege to work with such talented young musicians who have all created some amazing new work. This is a real chance to see how much talent exists in our region”
Urban Safari Conflux brings a new brand of street theatre. The world has become a concrete jungle and the wildlife has decided to move in. The vast countryside that Scotland has to offer isn't enough for the wild beasts - they want a slice of city life.
Oi Musica’s new Dumfries and Galloway street band are now here, upbeat Carnival Samba and stomping brass.
There will also be great dance performances including a Flash Mob, Body Electric and The Attitude Dance Company. Hatrix and Friends will be providing come and try circus sessions Sunday afternoon.
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