



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Public Art Commission - Stranraer

Dumfries and Galloway Council are advertising a Public Art Commission on the Public Contracts Scotland website.

Here is the link - you do need to register with PCS to get apply for the Commission and get the supporting documents about the project.

The proposed site is at the junction of George Street and King Street
From an arts perspective in D+G and all the excellent work that has been done in pushing forward best practice for artists working with the public and in public space - at first look this project is NOT set up along the lines of best practice. As per the bad old days of public art the brief is very tightly prescriptive and the site is decided - in effect the artist is being asked to come and work to a production brief.....rather work as a public artist and use their skills to interpret, negotiate, propose and THEN produce.

If anyone fancies taking on the project, but also wants to attempt to work in a more socially-engaged way within the terms of the brief and wants some support with that then drop us a line at

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