Hard to move for talk of Borders in one form or another just now - the artworld too has a long-term addiction to these 'liminal' 'inbetween' places (you know its coming). A link to a blopost about a show in Florence called Unstable Territory. Borders and identity in contemporary art dropped into our inbox the other day (from the 'we make money not art' blog) reading past the obligatory artwank that was some really interesting stuff in there (here it comes...):
The show presents artwork that reconsiders the notion of territory in a time when the obsolescence of concepts such as the nation state and borders coincides with new forms of nationalism and a corollary desire to affirm the individuality of a community or to protect their privileges with the construction of new physical demarcations.
The astonishing development of mobility for both
people and goods, the digitisation of communication and knowledge,
migration and an increasingly global economy have all radically changed
people's perception of territories, borders and boundaries. In view of
the instability of these concepts crucial to the definition of personal
identity, two different -though not necessarily conflicting - trends
appear to be taking shape: one based on seeking shelter in the safety
and proximity of the micro-territory, the region or even the family; the
other, as theorised by sociologist Ulrich Beck, involving a new conception of cosmopolitanism in its most democratic and egalitarian sense.
Here are some of the images...
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