



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Freedom Square and Unite Don’t Fight to Tour Dumfries and Galloway

From Carolyn Yates and Sid Ambrose

Two hard hitting new plays based on Sectarianism, will premier across Dumfries and Galloway over the month of February. Freedom Square and Unite Don’t Fight will be performed by young people from the Ryan Youth Theatre and Dumfries Junior Guild. The free shows will embark on a pan Galloway tour with performances scheduled to take place from Stranraer to Dumfries.

Freedom Square has been described in promotional material as “The spark of first love across Scotland’s New Divide in the incendiary week of the referendum. She’s a Yes, he’s a no, their parents are bigots, and the Orange Lodge are gearing up to attack the square – what can possibly go wrong”?
Dumfries Young Guild of Players
Whilst Unite Don’t Fight, portrays a gritty and extreme example of Sectarianism. It tells the story of how four siblings have their family and home destroyed as victims of a religious hatred attack.  What starts as banter results in an arson attack and the death of their parents.  Hear them tell their side of the story as their nightmare is relived over and over again in the mind of the killer.

Both plays are supported by grants from the Voluntary Action Fund, Scottish Government’s Tackling Sectarianism Small Grant Programme and have been assisted by the Kirkcudbright based South West Scotland Sectarian Project.
Chris Taylor ( Freedom Square Director)
Freedom Square has been commissioned by Wigtown Festival Company, It was written and devised by award winning playwright Des Dillon in conjunction with the Ryan Youth Theatre, and is directed by Chris Taylor. Unite Don’t Fight has been written and directed by Dumfries based James Napper who has had a long association with local youth theatre groups.

The intention of the performances is to raise awareness of sectarianism which blights many communities across Scotland. Stevie Carr from the South West Scotland Sectarian Project Commented “Sectarianism can take many forms, from so called banter to prejudice and violence, l believe the plays are a great way to communicate with young people and make them better informed about sectarianism which at the end of the day is just another form of bullying.”

The inaugural performance of both plays will take place in a double bill at the Ryan Centre Theatre Stranraer between 6 and 8 pm on the 16th February. The free performances will be followed by a meet and greet session with the cast and crew, for those interested in finding out more about the plays and the issues raised.

Other double bill performances will take place on the 17th February from 7 to 9pm in New Galloway Town Hall and on the 27th February at the Brigend Theatre Dumfries. A further solo showing of Unite Don’t Fight is scheduled for the Old Well Theatre Moffat on February the 20th starting at 7pm.

For further information on the performances please contact Carolyn Yates, Literature Development  Phone: 01988 402036, Mobile: 07717179653
Please note although these are free events you may need to register your interest first to guarantee entry.       

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