



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Friday, February 6, 2015

“Landscape Photography” Commission from NHS Ayrshire and Arran

From Will Levi Marshall
NHS Ayrshire and Arran
Deadline: 27 February 2015 at 17:30
Project 1 Sea Photographs 
Three, digital photographic prints of light on the surface of the sea. These will provide a key visual feature on the journey into the hospital. Their position and scale will allow them to be seen, through the glazing, on the approach to the building’s main entrance.

Project 2 Secret Place Photographs 
The selected artist(s) is to photograph a series of twenty images from set locations based upon consultation already undertaken. Patients were asked for their beautiful, ‘off the beaten track’, places in Ayrshire. The commissioned photographer will visit twenty of these places to produce the imagery, e.g. Hanging gardens at Auchincruive.
The project also has the scope of being produced as a small visual publication for distribution throughout bedrooms and waiting areas. 
Project 3 River Photograph, Lightbox
The selected artist(s) is to photograph an Ayrshire river. The work will be incorporated into a wall mounted light-box. By being in an area with seating the work will provide a contemplative resting point. The work is located in an area of little natural light, where the light box method of presentation will be most effective. The light-box will have daylight frequency lighting to add to its therapeutic effectiveness. 

The commission will be completed in four stages within a total delivery period of about 9 months from the start date of 18th March 2015. 
Contractual Payment Details
The commission is based on a maximum assumed limit of 25 days for this work and invites competitive tenders based on a day rate. 
Additional to the photography fee, a budget is available for printing, framing, workshops, travel and the lightbox. This will not exceed £8,590 and the artist is to provide the required outputs from within this budget sum.

A further additional modest sum is available for enabling works for the light box to be carried out by the building contractor to the agreed design.

All applicants must email with a subject line “Landscape Photography” for full brief and application procedure.

Applications not in the format specified in the application procedure will not be accepted.
Location: East Ayrshire, North Ayrshire, South Ayrshire
For further information, please contact (Will Levi Marshall), or call 01556 640399, or visit
The deadline is Friday 27 February 2015 at 17:30.

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