



(Scots Law) A common; a piece of land in which two or more persons have a common right.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Moat Brae - Cultural Building Boom Takes Off in Dumfries

Cranes on the skyline used to be a sign of economic prosperity in the old days of venture capitalism.....Dumfries is putting foundations in place for an altogether different vision of a successful future - one founded on localism, cooperation, culture and heritage. So the sight of this massive crane above Moat Brae last week was especially welcome as 'the new heralded by the old'

As the BBC reported:

The major restoration of a house that helped to inspire the Peter Pan story has reached a construction milestone.A large crane lowered three central roof beams into Moat Brae House on Irving Street in Dumfries.It will allow builders to make the 1823 mansion - where author JM Barrie played as a child - wind and watertight.

Project director Cathy Agnew of the Peter Pan Moat Brae Trust said it was great to see "something so positive" after deconstruction work to date."It has visibly moved the project forward," she said. "The old patient lift from Moat Brae's nursing home days has now been removed and three major central beams have been installed."

First phase works for the creation of a national centre for children's literature on the site are on schedule to be completed by the end of 2013. Architects are currently working on the second phase which includes visitor facilities and developing land behind the house.

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